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Maas Makes the Move to Abundance!

Updated: Jul 19, 2020

When it comes to young, dynamic, magnetic influencers, Ashley Maas is one to keep tabs on!

When it comes to young, dynamic, magnetic, influencers, Ashley Maas is one to keep tabs on! Maas owes her life, her whole life, to personal development. Overcoming a past and lifestyle choices that led to live a life she vowed never to be a part of, Maas has dedicated her life to helping women to step out and invest in their own personal development.

As a single mom of three children ages three years - eight weeks, Ashely's launch of Abundance Movement box subscriptions sold out in less than 82 hours! Messages were flooding her inbox with requests to make more available. There was only one thing left to do; make room for more abundance! "It's more than a subscription box, it's a movement!"

How did she get here? That is a story best told in her own words:

  • I live in Green Bay, WI

  • I am a single mom to three beautiful children

  • I am obsessed with personal development

  • I have traveled to 15 different countries

  • I am the co-founder of The Empowered Movement, an exclusive online coaching community that focuses on women empowerment

  • I have my bachelor’s degree in Social Work

  • I am an avid volleyball player

Growing up I was made to believe that I would never amount to anything in my life. I had family members and close friends struggle with addiction, relationship problems, depression, anxiety, ALL OF THE THINGS. 

At 14 years old, I experienced seeing a close family member of mine attempt suicide. And in that moment, I swore to myself that my life would be different, that I REFUSE to ever let that become my own reality.

So, I ‘escaped’ from the trauma (more like ran away). I moved 5 hours away from home and met someone, who I had thought, had been the love of my life.  After I became a mom, our love grew apart and I found myself falling into a deep depression. I struggled with alcohol dependency and saw my marriage crumbling apart because I had blamed my partner for ALL of my problems in life.

I had my ‘line in the sand moment’ in 2018 when my twins were 1 years old. I was jobless, making NO income, I felt unfulfilled, lost, scared, and truly afraid of what my future was going to be if I didn’t make a change.

At that moment, I decided that enough was enough. I began my own journey with personal development. I started researching books, spending HOURS on YouTube, scrolling on social media trying to find people who were where I wanted to be in life. I was tired of feeling shame and guilt for wanting MORE out of my life, so I took the only credit card I had and invested into MYSELF which at the time was building an online brand and business.

What I didn’t expect was being exposed to a community of coaches, entrepreneurs and everyday people who had been through the same struggles as me. And little by little I learned the significance of self development and mindset work. 

Through my own journey these past few years, I have invested THOUSANDS of dollars into my own personal development and I don’t regret ANY OF IT.

Because honestly, Self Development saved my life.

Once I began to identify my limiting beliefs and became acquainted with my childhood self, I found myself stepping into this new power. Where I finally began to discover my voice, passions, and goals. I had begun to rise up from the ashes that had been my life. In 2020, I left a toxic marriage and decided to live a life of TRUE abundance, wealth and gratitude. Finding that voice has allowed me to overcome struggles that I never thought would be possible. 

It has allowed me to shift into this magnetic being and I want EVERY woman to feel this abundant in their own life. So I made it my mission to empower as many women as I could to live in absolute abundance, wealth and gratitude in EVERY area of their lives.  I am so grateful that you are here and I know with my whole heart that these boxes will change your life as they have changed mine.

You ARE abundant! You ARE worthy! You ARE deserving! You ARE a powerhouse of a woman! Welcome to the movement!

Be sure to follow Ashley on social media:


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