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Top 25: O'Donnell Releases Newest Novel: A Modern Day American Horror Story.

Writer's picture: Kelli VanzegoKelli Vanzego

Filled with real accounts and truth, Meth War: Lost in Felony Flats takes the reader on an intense and riveting ride to ground zero for a plethora of torture and murder. Not Lost landing on Reviews & Trends Magazine's TOP 25 List ®

Already a highly acclaimed author, Jamey O'Donnell releases his newest novel in 2021, Meth War: Lost in Felony Flats. In his novel, he recounts first hand the effects of the Methamphetamine industry a Modern Day American Horror Story.

RTM strongly recommends Meth War Lost in Felony Flats to its readership.


Book Synopsis-Meth War Lost in Felony Flats

In 1993, the San Bernardino Valley became ground zero for a plethora of torture and murder. The Satanic Underground proclaimed war on the independent meth cooks and their associates, reclaiming their rightful place as the sole manufacturers of high-powered methamphetamine distributed and sold to the drug populace, turning human beings into soulless ghouls of the night that would do anything to satisfy their craving for the devil’s drug.

"San Bernardino is, and always has been, the meth capital of the western world. The popularity and abundance of meth is surpassed only by the cloak of evil resting in the underbelly of this vast wasteland of the undead."-O'Donnell

It is truly a town without pity. Its disease spread like wildfire throughout the whole of the Inland Empire, then to Los Angeles, and eventually throughout the Southwestern United States, and has reared its ugly head in places around the country better known for crack heads, not speed freaks. It’s the new modern evil of the twenty first century, spreading the word to anyone that will listen, in a world of all ears.

At one time, this area was a thriving community of industry and well-being. Kaiser Steel had the biggest steel mill this side of the Mississippi River, fully up and operational, calling Fontana its home. For decades, the mill was considered by most who lived in the area the #1 place to work. Many aspired to someday land a job at this financial paradise and mecca for the unemployed.

On top of that, Southern California was littered with military bases. The economy was booming, and things were happening in a big, big way. Then the bottom dropped out. Without warning, Kaiser Steel shut its doors for good, putting thousands out of work, leaving them with nowhere comparable to go. These were people with second and third mortgages on their homes, up to their necks in financial debt, living well beyond their means and they never saw it coming. They all believed that tomorrow would never come, but it did.

While America was busy sleeping, Japan was turning out a better grade of steel for a whole lot less money. It was simple checks and balances. Meth War: Lost in Felony Flats describes this time and the effects it had on people who turned to this drug to cope with their lives being drastically changed turning to the only thing they knew Methamphetamine.


Book Synopsis-Hunting for the Lamb of God.

Jamey O'Donnell also wrote another novel that will have you reading from front to back not wanting to put it down called Hunting for the Lamb of God. One can only half imagine the horror of a Electromagnetic Pulse if such a thing were ever to happen. It is an almost apocalyptic tale, yet one that holds hope, portraying plenty of survival skills.

"If food became unavailable due to a natural disaster, and your only food source was human beings, would you eat someone?"-O'Donnell

Would you go a step further and kill someone to eat them? These are decisions that would have to be made by normal, everyday people if faced with this type of situation. Hunting for the Lamb of God traces the footsteps of two families living across the street from each other in a suburb south of Denver, Colorado. The families join forces to navigate through a dystopian nightmare after America is hit with a super EMP (electromagnetic pulse), where food and water supplies run dry, and neighbors turn against neighbors, hunting each other for food to survive.

Life was normal with everyone getting on with their lives. This was until the United States was is hit with EMP (Electromagnetic pulse). The EMP hit the United States so drastically everything shut down in an instant. Completely dead all vehicles stayed stuck in the street, elevators were stuck across the country, nothing was working including phones, lights, anything electric leaving the country still. The horrific details of the story are incorporated well together in a fictional story combined with a cataclysmic decline in society nightmare. The scary fact is that this fiction could be a possible with the way things have turned out to be lately. As each family and each person begins to develop in this book. The children lose their innocence and maturity fast. The elder boys become men overnight. They see their mothers escape being raped and fight off cannibals. The United States becomes chaos with cannibals searching for these next victim or their next meal. The family bond grows stronger each day as they turn to their faith and care for one another. Also creating alliance with the family across the street to take care of each other and have each others backs. Nobody could ever be prepared for what lay before them. Neighbors dead, food stock declining, the inability to contact others or to find out their whereabouts or wellbeing. Their love for each other and also the hope for a new life is all that keeps them going as they witness so much pain and suffering. It's a tough game of survival, where everyone is turned against each other, searching and surviving for the resources the other has. Nobody can imagine the horror if such a thing were ever to happen. It is an almost end of the world tale, yet one that holds hope, portraying a guide of plenty of survival skills. RTM strongly recommends Hunting for the Lamb of God to its readership also both great books.


Jamey O'Donnell


Born in Chicago, Illinois Jamey O'Donnell spent most of his early years in and out of foster homes and juvenile halls with his two younger brothers, being made wards of court due to their mother’s alcoholism.

At 13 years old, him and his two younger brothers were flown to Palm Springs to live with their aunt and uncle, and after a year being there, their mother and father came to California to get them and settled in San Bernardino. This is when he was introduced to drugs, and after years of shame and abuse, he welcomed the drugs because they made him "feel human". His drug of choice was methamphetamine. He began shooting meth in his early 20’s and did it until his mid 40’s.

At the age of 18, he began singing in rock and roll bands he started. Writing original music, trying to get a record deal. At the age of 27, he almost got what he had been shooting for. He started a band called Exit and they recorded an album and started playing non stop in every club in L.A. that they could. By that time, he was already full up in his addiction, as was everyone else in his band, and they split up just as they were being offered record deals, mostly because they couldn’t keep it together. Soon after, he began transporting large amounts of meth to Denver to support his habit and ended up settling there and has been there ever since. He met a woman in Cocaine Anonymous and they got married, then had a kid, and that is when his life completely changed.

When his son was born he looked at his dad and never looked anywhere else, just at him, and when he cut his cord, the blood squirted in his face and nowhere else. It was "like a sign from God". For the first time in his life, he loved someone more than he hated himself, and learned the true meaning of unconditional love. His son's mother was severely mentally ill, which he did not know until after they got married, and when his son was 9 months old, he filed for divorce and filed for custody of his son. Much to his surprise, he was awarded sole custody of him, and she could see him in a supervised visit once a week, which she managed to attend every other visit.

While this was going on, he began to do the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous with the desperation of a drowning man, all to ensure that he could be the father his son needed him to be. When his son was 3 years old, his mother stopped attending visits entirely, and turned her back on him, never sending child support or anything for Christmas or his birthday. Raising him all by himself, his son is now a sophomore at Benedictine College on academic and athletic scholarships, playing offensive lineman for their football team. He is studying for his degree in Journalism and Mass Communication. He is also a Double Silver Palm Eagle Scout, which is pretty rarified air in the world of Scouting.

"Even though he is away at college, he still consumes his life, and he wouldn't have it any other way."-O'Donnell

Today O'Donnell lives in Denver working as a delivery driver for Amazon, and he maintains an extremely close relationship with his son. He began writing in the summer of 2021 and has written 4 books in the last 6 months. His writing goal started to be 5 pages a day, then became 10 pages a day, and he seemed to have settled upon a chapter a day. Each chapter is like a story in itself, so he found to not finish it in the same day can lead to scattered ideas without focus. Usually O'Donnell wakes up at 3 or 4 in the morning and begins writing, which may just be an opening sentence, or a paragraph or two. He constantly gets up from the computer to think about where he wants to go in the story, and this will continue throughout the morning, many times finishing by noon. At this rate, his start to finish, not including editing, seems to be 3 weeks to a month per book.

"My dream is to buy property in South Dakota and spend the rest of his days writing." states O'Donnell.

When asked what the inspiration was to write O'Donnell says he writes about things he knows about. In the current national and geopolitical climate, the world is full of things that are happening that interest him. Most of them are very scary, but they are also well within the realm of possibility.

Hunting for the Lamb of God, one of the families are preppers. O'Donnell has also been a prepper since 2012, and has amassed an amount of food, water, and essentials to survive a year or more should something bad happen.

In Meth War: Lost in Felony Flats, he writes about the world of methamphetamine addiction in Fontana, California. He was homeless there and much of the book is based on real life people and scenarios.

O'Donnell first realized he wanted to be a writer when he was married to his son's mother around 1999. He was writing his second published book and had the first 50 pages on printed paper and the other 50 pages on a computer that got destroyed during an argument with his wife, when she picked up the computer in a fit of rage and smashed it into bits on the floor. After trying to retrieve what he had on the computer with no luck he became disheartened and set it aside vowing to finish the book one day. A whole 20 years later he completed it after his first book was completed Hunting for the Lamb of God.

One of the most surprising things O'Donnell learned in creating both books was he has always been an artist. In his 20’s, he was the lead singer for many original rock and roll bands, where he wrote most of the music. Fast forward to now and he finds himself a published author. O'Donnell discovered he has a lot to say, and he has a voice in saying what he wants to say.

"Art transcends Art."-Jamey O'Donnell

Jamey O'Donnell has multiple platforms including Facebook and Twitter. For more information on this Author and each book with insights on todays challenging world go to any of the links below.


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