A Walk Through the Rain reveals a world of magical possibilities and walks onto Reviews & Trends Magazine's TOP 25 List ®

It's not uncommon for this family to take evening walks through the park. But on one particular - and particularly wet - night, magical things start to unfold. The family starts to see magic like they have never seen before...from wizards to witches and cats drinking tea, this family soon discovers their walk through the park is about to become an extraordinary adventure.
RTM strongly recommends A Walk Through the Rain to its readership.
About A Walk Through the Rain!

"An ordinary walk that turns into an extraordinary adventure."
Everyone loves magic and extraordinary tales with twists and turns. An ordinary little family starts out on a normal walk that turns into an extraordinary adventure. As the family is walking through the park, interesting things start to happen. The children notice the magical things taking place in their park, all while it's raining and starting to get dark.
The ultimate lesson: Magic was believed to only be found in fairy tales...but now it has become a part of this family's world.
Kimberly Spears

Kimberly Spears is known for her book “A Walk Through the Rain”, a book about a family who takes an ordinary walk that turns into an extraordinary adventure. While this is her only title currently available, Spears plans to write more in the future. Her book has been published in e-book, hardback, and paperback. Many of the stories Spears writes come from the many adventures of her own family.
"I first realized I wanted to be a writer when I had my kids. They tell me the best stories and I love their imaginations."-KS
Often a labor of love, Spears gets inspiration and ideas for her books from real life experiences, and sprinkles in some fun and imagination. Spears fondly remembers her childhood and delights in memories of her father, who loved to write songs. These songs - perhaps more appropriately, her father's time and affection - gave her the inspiration to write about what the things she, herself, has come to know and love.
Spears was born in Eaton, Colorado, but spent most of her life just 30 miles away in Fort Collins. She filled her childhood with "playing pretend" and exploring the neighborhood. She wanted to be like Indiana Jones; exploring the world, looking at ancient sites, and navigating different, sometimes-dangerous, situations. Her dad was a musician who traveled the United States playing in a band and working in manufacturing. Her mother also worked in manufacturing, in addition to raising four children. Spears' parents never went to college but worked hard so they could have a good life.
When Spears was seven, her parents divorced and she grew up living between two households. Her mother got remarried, but her father and mother co-parented well together. Between the two households, her mom and dad raised all four children, along with two stepchildren.
Spears grew up in a diverse family. Her step dad is Hispanic and her step siblings are Hispanic and Caucasian. Having a diverse household gave her an excellent upbringing and she was able to see, first-hand, two cultures living together in harmony. Spears enjoyed the many nights when her stepdad would make ethnic dishes; many of which she loves to this today.
Spears was a first generation college student who came from a poor family. Neither of these obstacles, though, prevented her from receiving a bachelor’s degree. Initially she wanted to be a veterinarian, but quickly decided that it wasn’t the right career for her. Instead, Spears went into Biological Anthropology and eventually ended up in a healthcare setting where she served patients in skilled nursing facilities and people on hospice.
In college, Spears and her husband struggled to go to school full-time and work-full time, all while raising children and managing the household. When she completed her education, Spear's took pride in knowing that her entire family was proud of her. During her college years, Spears' writing abilities started to take shape; she always excelled at writing papers and found that putting pen-to-paper was one of her biggest strengths. Spears felt that the professors and teacher through her school years were really what made a difference in her education. Even though she excelled in writing, It wasn’t until Spears had kids of her own that her love and passion for writing blossomed.
Spears has three beautiful children who mean the world to her. After having her oldest daughter and listening to her wild ideas, it started the creative process for Kimberly. When Kimberly had her second child, he was diagnosed with ASD and from there therapists and her family would write small stories to help her young child to better understand the world around him. When her son started to talk more, he would tell her these extravagant stories and that inspired her to write stories for children like him. These stories also helped her youngest child learn more about the world.
Spears took to journaling, and would write an entry any time she would have a bad day or experience something amazing with her children. Not unsurprisingly, Spears' journals would eventually turn into stories. She writes from her experiences in life and raising a family. Her children taught her to teach others about understanding, patience, compassion, and how to better educate people about Autism. Spears realized the value of storytelling and the ways that it can help spread positivity and educate people about the unique and wonderful world around us.
Writing this book has allowed Spears to have a fun story to tell about her own life during her adventures taking walks with her own children. Spears plans on writing many more books to encourage more children to smile, laugh, and tell stories of their own.

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